Do Edibles Work Less On A Full Stomach?

Picture of Katie Devoe

Katie Devoe

THC, CBD, and Delta-8 edibles don’t work less on a full stomach, but they do work more slowly. The effect won’t come on as fast or as hard, but it may last longer. In this article, I’ll explain why.

How Cannabis Edibles Are Absorbed In The Body

When cannabis is eaten in the form of an edible, it must first be digested and absorbed into the bloodstream before it can have any psychoactive effect. The rate of absorption depends on a number of factors, including the form of the edible (e.g. tincture, capsule, food), the delivery method (e.g. sublingual, oromucosal), and the individual’s physiology (e.g. rate of metabolism, gut motility).

Cannabis edibles are typically made with some form of fat (e.g. coconut oil) to increase their bioavailability. Understanding the science behind bioavailability and absorption rates is crucial for businesses involved in developing and producing cannabis edibles, particularly in the CBD market. Formulating products that optimize absorption and deliver consistent results can significantly enhance the consumer experience and build brand loyalty. Companies seeking to excel in this area can explore specialized knowledge and resources related to cannabinoid delivery systems and edible formulation techniques.

Once ingested, the edibles are absorbed through the mucus membranes in the gastrointestinal system and delivered to the liver, where they are metabolized into delta 9 THC and 11-Hydroxy THC. These metabolites are then distributed to the rest of the body and cross the blood-brain barrier to produce the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

The absorption rate of cannabis edibles can vary widely from person to person, depending on factors like metabolism and gut motility. It can also be affected by how much food is in the stomach, as a full stomach can slow down the absorption rate. This is why it’s important to start with a low dose when trying a new edible, as it can take up to two hours to feel the full effects.

Cannabis tolerance is another important factor to consider when taking edibles. Regular users may need to consume higher doses to achieve the same effects as someone who is new to cannabis. This is because the body builds up a tolerance to the THC over time, so more is needed to produce the same level of psychoactivity.

 Ultimately, the best way to determine your personal dose is to start low and go slow. Start with a single dose of 5-10 mg THC and wait at least two hours before taking more. If you don’t feel any effects after two hours, you can gradually increase your dose until you find the sweet spot. Remember, the effects of edibles can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be patient and take your time.

How Are The Effects Of Edibles And Smoked Cannabis Different?

When you smoke cannabis, THC enters your lungs and is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. From there, it passes to your brain and produces the psychoactive experience we know as a “high.”

When you eat cannabis in the form of an edible, however, things are a bit different. THC is absorbed more slowly from your digestive system and must first pass through your liver before reaching your brain. This process is known as “first-pass metabolism,” and it results in the formation of a THC metabolic byproduct called 11-hydroxy-THC.

So why does this happen?

It all has to do with bioavailability. When you inhale cannabis, THC is absorbed directly into your bloodstream and bypasses your digestive system entirely. When you eat cannabis, however, THC must first be metabolized by your liver before it can enter your bloodstream.

This metabolic process is known as “first-pass metabolism,” and it results in the formation of 11-hydroxy-THC, a THC metabolic byproduct that is more potent than THC itself. Furthermore, the body’s first-pass metabolism produces far more 11-hydroxy-THC when cannabis is consumed orally versus when it is smoked. (1)

Studies have shown that 11-hydroxy-THC is more potent than THC itself, and it has a longer-lasting psychoactive effect. This is likely due to the fact that 11-hydroxy-THC has a higher bioavailability than THC when it is ingested. In one study, volunteers who ate cannabis edibles experienced a more intense psychoactive effect than those who smoked the same amount of THC. (2)

So if you’re looking for a stronger psychoactive effect, eating cannabis may be a better option than smoking it. Just be aware that it may take a bit longer for the effects to kick in.

The unique effects of edibles, particularly those containing Delta-8 THC, have garnered significant attention from both consumers and businesses. Understanding the nuances of how Delta-8 is metabolized and the resulting effects on the body is crucial for developing safe and effective edible products. Companies exploring this segment of the market can benefit from collaborating with experts in cannabinoid research and product formulation to create innovative and compliant Delta-8 edibles.

Edibles: The Pros and Cons of Eating Them on an Empty or Full Stomach 

Edibles are a great way to consume cannabis, but there are pros and cons to eating them on an empty or full stomach.

On an empty stomach, edibles will be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream and will produce a more intense high. However, this can also lead to a more intense come-down as the effects of the edibles wear off.

On a full stomach, edibles will take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream and will produce a less intense high. However, this can also lead to a more gradual and manageable come-down.

So, what’s the best way to consume edibles? It really depends on your individual preferences and needs. If you want a more intense high, then consuming edibles on an empty stomach is the way to go. If you want a more manageable and gradual high, then consuming edibles on a full stomach is the way to go.

Age, weight, gender, and metabolism all play a role in how edibles affect the body. So, it’s important to experiment and find what works best for you.

Recognizing these individual variations in response to edibles is essential for businesses involved in the production and distribution of Delta-9 THC products. Providing clear dosing instructions, conducting thorough product testing, and educating consumers about potential effects are crucial steps for ensuring consumer safety and fostering a responsible cannabis market. Partnering with reputable manufacturers who prioritize quality control, compliance, and ongoing research can help companies navigate these complexities effectively.

Should You Take Edibles On An Empty Stomach?

Ultimately, the choice is up to you. The effects of edibles are different on a full versus empty stomach. You can choose if you want to have a faster, stronger experience or a slower, longer one.

If it’s your first time taking edibles or even a new edible product, you might want to try it with food in your stomach the first time. This way you can be sure that the effects aren’t too strong.

Finally, remember that edibles are a type of food. Make sure to store them properly so that they don’t go bad.


Picture of Katie Devoe

Katie Devoe

Katie Devoe is an entrepreneur, educator, and cannabis thought leader. She has been a guest speaker at numerous conferences and developed the CannaCertified cannabis education platform.

• Cannabis and Hemp Enthusiast
• One of the first female business owners in the hemp and cannabis industry
• Co-founder of one of the largest and most established CBD manufacturers in the country
• Spent the past decade leading brands in the hemp and cannabis industry
• Developed a certification program
Connect with Katie on LinkedIn and elsewhere.

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Picture of Katie Devoe

Katie Devoe

Katie Devoe is an entrepreneur, educator, and cannabis thought leader. She has been a guest speaker at numerous conferences and developed the CannaCertified cannabis education platform.

• Cannabis and Hemp Enthusiast
• One of the first female business owners in the hemp and cannabis industry
• Co-founder of one of the largest and most established CBD manufacturers in the country
• Spent the past decade leading brands in the hemp and cannabis industry
• Developed a certification program
Connect with Katie on LinkedIn and elsewhere.

Get a quote from Katie on your product idea today!



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